Monday, September 15, 2008

Some Intuitive Thoughts

I will just say that we are living in strange American times.

We have an African-American man and a Republican candidate whose vice-presidential candidate is a woman and both have an equal chance of becoming president. Unfortunately, the American economy has been shattered into a thousand pieces.

What is insane is that our economic crisis looks very familiar.

I read an article about how America is deeply indebted to China, Russia, and the Middle East. And I thought of another place in a similar situation. The continent of Africa is constantly paying all of their revenues to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to the point where they cannot effectively develop their own nations.

If the countries who own our bonds decide to pull our strings, what would make us any different from the nations in Africa?

I read a book called, "A Game as Old as Empire", that explained how banks purposely made bad loans to developing nations such as Indonesia to "help" build the country's infrastructure. The purpose was to indebt the country to the banks. Because of the country's debt to the bank, all of the country's resources had to be directed towards paying off the debt.

America is in debt up to its ears. Can anyone even conceive of how much money nine trillion dollars ($9,000,000,000,000.00) is? That is how much we have to pay back to someone if they ever decide to collect. There is a website that keeps tabs on the amount of debt we are accruing every day. On the site, the author explains that 40% of our debt is held by foreign investors. Forty percent of our debt equals 3.6 trillion dollars. Wow!

U.S. currency is nearly on par with Canadian currency. Our dollar has quickly fallen below the value of the euro. With the nationalization of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the U.S. government has taken on all of those bad loans erroneously (or purposely) made to Americans hoping to own their own home. We weakened our world reputation as a fair, just, yet powerful nation when we invaded Iraq using the world's credit.

What leverage we had as a country worth doing business with is weakening. If our president continues the economic policies that created this situation, foreign investors may call in our debts and request the money back in euros. That would put America into a tailspin. All of our revenues would go towards the debt we owe foreign investors. Our economic crisis would then look no different than the insane policies that grip struggling nations in Africa.

It would be the destruction of a great country.

Luckily despite all of this economic madness brought on by the greed of a capitalistic society and a Republican administration, if all hell breaks loose and our economy fully collapses, one fact remains true.

Living on God's earth is free.


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